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30 Most Recognizable Logo Designs in The World

Time and again we have discussed the importance of a logo for a business to become a popular brand.

Logo designs are the face of a business. They give the first impression of what the business is about to the target audience.

This is all the more important for businesses who have just started out and are looking to penetrate the already set market and create a unique identity of their own.

But, today, we are here not to discuss how to create a successful logo design for a small business or startup (This has been covered already in another blog that you canread here).

Today, in this article, we’ll be sharing with you 30 of the most popular and recognizable logo designs in the world.

These logos represent the brands that started out small but are today the leaders in their respective industry segments.

And, no second guesses on what helped them become a recognizable brand name. It’s the consistency in their logo design over the period of decades of their existence.

Check out this list. 

1. Apple

2. Google

3. Microsoft

4. Amazon

5. Facebook

6. Coca-Cola

7.  Walt Disney

8. McDonald’s

9. Intel

10. Nike

11. Visa

12. American Express

13. IBM

14. Starbucks

15. Netflix

16. FedEx

17. LG

18. Shell

19. Mercedes Benz

20. Tacobell

21. Samsung

22. Toyota

23. AT&T

24. Cisco

25. Oracle

26. BMW

27. Marlboro

28. Walmart

29. Gucci



30. Nescafe

To conclude…

So, these were 30 of the most recognizable logo designs in the world. Irrespective of which part of the world you are in, you must have come across these brand logos at least once.

If you’re are a small business or a startup looking to enter the big markets and wanting to create custom logo designs for your brand, then you can always take cues from these big names.

Alternatively, of course, you can take professional help to get unique logo designs for your business by outsourcing graphic design services to a professional agency such as GraphicsZoo.

For more help with designing your own logo, contact us at