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Common Print Design Mistakes to Avoid – Graphic Design Tips

With digital technology taking over the way businesses function, the accuracy of print designs might be the last thing to consider. However, if you ask a seasoned marketing professional they’ll tell you how even the smallest of print design mistakes can impact the overall branding and reputation of a business.

Effective print designs are very much required to execute several traditional marketing plans. This includes, but not limited to:


-Newspaper Ads,






And more.

Now, when you consider these channels of marketing that require targeted print designs, you’ll understand that you cannot really afford any design mistake to pass through and go for printing. Not only will it affect your wallet heavily but, also will blemish your brand’s reputation.

So, in order to avoid ruining your business name due to minor errors in your print design, we give you some common print design mistakes that you must check for and avoid at all costs.

Not using the right tools

print design mistakes

Irrespective of the fact that you are creating designs for printing projects, the design itself would be created digitally; using advanced software tools.

It is, therefore, very important that you are using the latest technology and software tools for your business.

Some of the most popular design software tools include Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator.

And, if you think that these would add cost to your operations, consider the expenses you’ll have to bear due to print design mistakes; forcing you to repeat the printing process, again and again.

No room for white space

print design mistakes

One of the tricks and tips for creating successful graphic designs is to work with the white space on the design.

What we mean by this is, you must not shy away from leaving some blank space on the design canvas. Not only does it helps in improving the visibility of your design but, also makes it look sophisticated and well-aligned.

It is understood to have the urge to add an image, icon, or other design elements to every available space in your design. But, keeping white spaces in your design can make your key message or call to action un-omissible and easier to digest.

Not following the color palette

print design mistakes

When talking about minimalism in graphic design it is considered to be one of the most effective ways to create effective designs. The same minimalism applies in choosing the color palette for your print design.

One of the common print design mistakes that many business owners neglect is the overuse of color shades in the design.

To make a good impact with your print designs, keep your color selection to the minimum. Choose the color shades that compliment your existing brand colors. Or better yet, use the same colors as you’ve been using for your brand colors.

Always remember, simple designs that include clever spacing and strong typography don’t need to have too many different colors.


No space for bleed

print design mistakes

When we say ‘bleed’, we are referring to a common graphic design term that is used to define the process of cutting down the edges of print design.

Every printer cuts down some space from the edges of the final sheet containing the design and, that is why professional designers always leave a little space in their designs meant for printing.

While the standard for the ‘bleed’ is roughly 3mm, different printers require different measurements of bleed.

And, while most of the advanced graphic design tools include the feature to represent where the bleed would start and end, it is recommended that you always check your printer settings (or ask your printing company to tell you) before getting the print done.

Not considering scalability

print design mistakes

One of the gravest print design mistakes that one can commit is using low-resolution or raster images for their designs.

This is a very common mistake that goes un-noticed since the design looks pretty good when checking it on a small screen or page.

However, your print designs are not simply meant to be seen in small sizes. They could very well be used for billboards, posters, signage, etc.  

So, when you use the same design for larger applications, the overall design output deters and loses its original glam completely.

Therefore, it is very important that you keep a check on the resolution of your design image.

Using vector images is a good option in such conditions as they are innately and infinitely scalable.

No revision to check for errors

print design mistakes

And lastly but, definitely one of the most important steps to avoid any print design mistakes is to do a thorough check of the design.

You simply cannot let your entire print design get ruined just because of a tiny grammatical error or because you forgot to add the logo.

It is, therefore, highly advised to let the design be viewed and tested by several members in your team, to find minor mistakes that you may have missed before you send it for final printing.

To conclude…

GraphicsZoo has been helping businesses across industries with their graphic design needs. We have a dedicated team of designers who are skilled in creating effective and professional print designs. If you are looking to get custom print designs for your business, do not hesitate to contact us at