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Importance of Graphic Design in Digital Marketing

“Marketing without design is lifeless, and design without marketing is mute.”

- Von R. Glitschka

Digital marketing has been a part of business operations for a couple of decades now. However, in the last few years it has become an active part of the growth strategies in most firms. And in order to enhance the effect of digital marketing strategies, businesses across industries use graphic design as their most trusted weapon.


Well, graphic designing, a.k.a visual communication, is all about providing a creative edge to the content shared with the desired target audience. It’s like a catalyst to your digital marketing strategies. 

Mainly, digital marketing is about getting your audience’s attention to your brand, and graphic designing is the tool that helps to catch that attention.

Let’s discuss this in detail to give you a broader and clearer perspective. But, before that let’s define digital marketing and graphic designing so that we can understand the relation between the two, better.


So, what is digital marketing?

In Wiki’s words, “Digital marketing is the marketing of products or services using digital technologies on the internet, through mobile phone apps, display advertising, and any other digital mediums.”And that pretty much sums it up.

Simply put, digital marketing is the method of spreading awareness about your brand, online.

With a staggering 58% of the global population (roughly 4.5 billion people) using the internet on a daily basis, digital marketing is the best means to capture your target audience. And that’s why it holds a lot of importance for businesses across most industries.

importance of graphic design

What about graphic design?

In simple terms, graphic designing is the ability and the art of creating visual content for brand communication and messaging. These visuals can be as simple as a business logo, or as complex as pages of web design.

A good graphic design should effectively communicate the message of the sender to the target audience using tools of visual communication.

Without a good design, the company may not be able to highlight its product and increase its customer base on the site which ultimately affects the business and profitability of the company.

Importance of graphic design in digital marketing

Now that we understand the basic definitions of digital marketing and graphic designing, it’s time to discuss the relation between the two and how graphic designing helps bolster your digital marketing efforts.

The design speaks more than words

Take 10 random people and ask them about the brand Lacoste and see if they know about it. Chances are that not more than 2-3 would remember. However, show them the brand logo of Lacoste and ask them if they recognize the brand. The chances are that all of them would.

What we are trying to say here is that people may not remember the names or slogans or taglines, but they do remember the visuals attached to a brand.

As a consumer, ask yourself, what is it that you see first of a brand?

The ‘LOGO’!

You really don’t go through a mission or vision statement, not even a tagline.

So, when it comes to the spreading or branding of one’s business, the design comes first, and then comes the words. A catchy design conveys any message much more loudly, clearly, and efficiently to the consumers than words.

importance of graphic design

Creates a strong impression

Remember the idiom, “The first impression is the last impression”? Well, maybe not the last impression, but creating a strong and positive first impression is very crucial for any brand. And a strategically designed creative visual definitely helps a lot in establishing a long-lasting first impression on your consumer’s mind.

Extrapolations say that around 85% of people are attracted to graphics and indulge with a brand on seeing their graphic potentials only.

Narrates your brand’s story

Why do you think there’s an ‘About Us’ section on every business website? It is because your audience is interested to know and learn about your brand. A perfectly designed graphic along with carefully drafted words narrates the success stories of the firm and creates a personal bond between the potential clients and the company.


Influence the audience on social media

Social media has become an integral part of people’s lives in the recent past. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc. are the key for businesses to catch hold of their potential customers.

And, the brands which provide better visual content, in the form of an infographic, cover images, videos, etc., get the majority of social engagement.

With graphic design, an organization can take the chance of transmitting the idea to a potential customer without much struggle. Customers can figure out what or how a product/service would suit them and why they should invest.

Attracts traffic to website

One of the main objectives behind digital marketing is to get more audience to arrive on your website. And it then becomes really important that the visitors to your website stay on to your website for a longer time period.

‘According to a survey, around 94% of consumers leave a website with poor graphic design.’ 

This can be achieved by providing a great visual experience using perfectly woven graphics. And that is where the importance of graphic design in digital marketing relies the most on.

A designer creates beautiful, eye-catching design works that are sure to impress viewers and further initiate countless traffic. Once a client comes across an organization’s impressive advertisements they are sure to stick around and inquire about the product also.

Some very interesting stats showcasing the importance of graphic design in digital marketing;

    - 80% of small business owners think graphic design is very important or moderately important to the success of their business. (According to a report by 99 designs)

   - 68% of digital marketers have plans in place to increase the use of visual assets in future content activities. (According to a report by the social examiner)

    - 88% of marketers use visuals in more than 50% of their articles (According to a report by Venngage)

    - 60.8% of digital marketers say that visual assets are imperative to successful marketing. (According to a report by Red website design)

    - For every 2000 business cardspassed out, there is a 2.5% increase in sales. (According to a report by Adobe)

  - Also, 65% of digital marketing executives claim visual assets like image, infographic, illustrations, and video are imperative to brand story communication. (According to a report by CMO Council)

    - Besides, visual presentations are more persuasive than non-visual presentations. (According to a report by University of Minnesota, MISRC)

importance of graphic design

All this information makes the importance of graphic design in digital marketing very clear and obvious. Quality in design serves as the pivotal support for your business and you must make use of the graphic design in the best possible way to promote your brand as well as your business objectives.

Looking to improve your digital marketing plans with better graphic designs? What’s the wait!? Connect with us at GraphicsZoo to experience the best graphic design services for your business. Contact us today at