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15 Business Card Facts and Statistics Every Business Owner Must Know

Let us be very clear with one thing; to start with. Business cards have always been an important part of professional networking, and will continue to do so; irrespective of how much the technology advances.

Today, over 80% of Americans have a smartphone, which is nearly double what it was a decade ago. But the business card is still alive today.

When you go to business conferences, seminars, events, etc. it is one of the first things that help you break the ice with potential clients.

Today, we are going to share with you 15 astonishing business card facts and supporting statistics that will tell you whybusiness card design is important.

1.Business cards are said to be in use for nearly 600 years; with the earliest use seen in 15th century China.

2.According to a survey, a firm’s overall sales see an increase of 25% on every 2000 business cards handed out.

3.Around 10 billion business cards are printed every year in the USA alone.

4.A potential customer is expected to hold on to a colored business card 10x longer than a standard white one.

5.In fact, a business card has a 1000% better chance of not getting thrown away if the background is colored.

6.The Black Astrum Signature Card is considered to be the world’s most expensive business card with a per card printing cost of $1500.

7.In Korea, it is not considered good if you are taking too long to read a business card.

8.According to a report from Statistic Brain Research Institute, 72% of people judge a company or a person based on the quality of their business cards.

9.The same report states that 39% of people would choose not to do business with a company if they had a “cheap-looking” business card.

10.Close to 60% of small business owners consider business cards as an essential tool for their business progression.

11.Given the fact that around 88% of all the business cards end up been thrown away within the first week itself, using recycled material to print your business cards gives out a positive image of your brand; says that you care about the environment.

12.Another fact that business owners must consider ensuring effective use of their business cards is that 63% of the recipients throw the cards away because they don’t need the services at the time they were handed the card.

13.Arial, Helvetica, and Time New Roman are the three most commonly used fonts for printing business cards.

14.The US business card printing industry has an annual turnover of roughly $800 million.

15.The average cost of a set of business cards (including design and printing) is around $194.

To conclude…

Considering a new set of professionally designed business cards for you? No problem.

Simply get in touch with our design experts at and we’ll make sure you get what you are looking for.